Why so serious, Ludwig?
I thought it was funny that at the beginning of the film Happy-Go-Lucky, the happy-go-lucky protagonist wanders into a book store where Ray Monk's biography of philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein is on display. Alexander Waugh - son of the satirist Auberon Waugh and grandson of the novelist Evelyn Waugh - has a new book out on the Wittgenstein family.
From Wikipedia: "In 1929 he decided, at the urging of Ramsey and others, to return to Cambridge. He was met at the railway station by a crowd of England's greatest intellectuals, discovering rather to his horror that he was one of the most famed philosophers in the world. In a letter to his wife, Lydia Lopokova, Wittgenstein's old friend John Maynard Keynes wrote: "Well, God has arrived. I met him on the 5.15 train.""