Friday, September 16, 2011

I really like Fareed Zakaria's optimism. Take this piece on how the lessons of Iraq paid off in Libya. He gives the reader a sense that the glass is half-full.

I hope he is right about China and Europe in his newest piece, titled "How China can Help Europe Get out of Debt."
Facing a similar crisis in 2008, then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson talked about the need for a bazooka, a weapon large enough to scare markets into submission. Europe doesn’t have one. Even Germany — which has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 83 percent — can’t credibly bail out Italy and Spain. Together they need to roll over 600 billion euros of debt before the end of next year. Who has that kind of money*
Today, $10 trillion of foreign exchange reserves are sitting around across the globe. That is the only pile of money large enough from which a bazooka could be fashioned. The International Monetary Fund could go to the leading holders of such reserves — China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia — and ask for a $750 billion line of credit. The IMF would then extend that credit to Italy and Spain but insist on closely monitoring economic reforms, granting funds only as restructuring occurs. That credit line would more than cover the borrowing costs of both countries for two years. The IMF terms would ensure that Italy and Spain remained under pressure to reform and set up conditions for growth.

What’s in it for the Chinese, who would have to devote at least half the funds and who have already politely demurred when approached by the Italians? China invests its foreign exchange reserves looking for liquidity, security and decent returns. It isn’t trying to save the world. Premier Wen Jiabao made slightly encouraging noises this week, hinting that he would increase bond purchases and asking in return for greater market access to Europe. That’s classic Chinese diplomacy: cautious, incremental and narrowly focused on its interests.

The time has come for China to adopt a broader concept of its interests and become a “responsible stakeholder” in the global system. The European crisis will quickly morph into a global one, possibly a second global recession. And a second recession would be worse because governments no longer have any monetary or fiscal tools. China would lose greatly in such a scenario because its consumers in Europe and America would stop spending.

Of course, China would have to get something in return for its generosity. This could be the spur to giving China a much larger say at the IMF. In fact, it might be necessary to make clear that Christine Lagarde would be the last non-Chinese head of the organization.

In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors. After World War I, European nations were battered by debts, and Germany was battered by reparation payments. The only country that could provide credit was the United States. For America, providing desperately needed cash to Europe was its entry into the councils of power, a process that ultimately brought a powerful new player inside the global tent. Today’s crisis is China’s opportunity to become a "responsible stakeholder."
Would (will?) China be an enlightened, responsible stakeholder? I'd think human rights, democracy, and civil rights will be low on their list of priorities as well as environmental and labor regulations, such as they are. Still the Chinese Communist Party enacted a sizable fiscal stimulus after the financial crisis of 2008. This demonstrated they have much more wisdom and macroeconomic know-how than the American Republican Party.

Update: A New York Times news analysis on the European Central Bank says:
The E.C.B. can stop this crisis in a minute if they want to,” said Guntram B. Wolff, deputy director of Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels. The bank, he said, could simply overwhelm bond markets by buying huge quantities of debt from Greece, which is effectively insolvent, as well as other countries that have come under attack, like Italy. End of crisis.
Some economists have argued that the bank could buy more than $1 trillion in sovereign debt if it needed to.*
But such an action would provoke howls from Germany and countries like Finland,** where the bank is seen as having gone rogue because of its relatively modest purchases of debt from a list of countries that also includes Spain, Portugal and Ireland. In those beleaguered countries, meanwhile, the bank is regarded as insufficiently supportive.
* Apparently the ECB has that kind of money.
** Finland?

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