Tuesday, May 07, 2013

when the far left agree with the rightwing

Atrios - Obamacare skeptic - links to Greg Sargent.

The Morning Plum: Dems shouldn’t take GOP’s bait on Obamacare implementation by Greg Sargent

Sargent is right that Obama passed health care reform and was re-elected despite the public's anxiety of it and in general. 
For one thing, as Josh Barro has noted, implementation is likely to be most keenly felt among those who currently lack insurance, who will naturally see getting insurance as a preferable outcome to nothing at all, even if proves logistically difficult.
 More people will be covered. This will make them healthier and less anxious.

The quid pro quo was that young people be forced to buy coverage. This will give money to the insurance companies who are now forced to cover everyone, even people with pre-existing conditions. Plus young people can stay on their parents' plan until they are 26.

Obama care is also a very VERY tentative step towards a single payer system, in that it sets up exchanges in states, gives subsidies to help pay for health care and enacts studies to see how cost can be held down and things can be improved.

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