Sunday, March 13, 2016

Feel the Bern and Tuesday

Sanders says in an email:
Here's our path to the nomination 
In less than 48 hours, the polls open in five large and delegate-rich states. After everything we’ve overcome together, there’s never been a more important two days for our campaign. 
I want to tell you the truth about our job on Tuesday, and it’s something you may not hear a lot about from the corporate media. Our goal on Tuesday is simply this: do well and hold Hillary Clinton’s delegate lead to a minimum. 
Because after Tuesday, the map shifts immediately and dramatically in our favor. With every vote cast after Tuesday’s primaries, her lead will only shrink. We will continue to make up delegates, week after week, in state after state, until we capture the lead on June 7th when California, New Jersey, New Mexico, Montana and the Dakotas vote. 
That is our path to victory, but we need to [do] well on Tuesday. That’s the first step.

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