Thursday, July 12, 2018

socialist economy and a JG

A JG could be a small part of a successful socialist state.

Say a socialist movement was successful 20 years from now and somehow had a program which agreed with what I think would be successful.

Run the economy hot via monetary policy and Kalecki-Lerner-Vickrey fiscal macro. Wages are negotiated by sectors and unions are strong with strong labor protections.

A sovereign wealth fund would be heavily invested in the economy and provide a social dividend/UBI to everyone regardless of income.

Free healthcare, free housing, mass transit and large investment program in infrastructure and green conversion.

There would still be the hard cases who could apply to a JG where they could get trained and work on projects for their community as they wait for employers to hire them.

There would be a demand for workers given that the economy was run hot with the emphasis on full employment.

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