Saturday, March 16, 2019

MMT, campaigns and unions

MMT Takes Center Stage – and Orthodox Economists Freak by William Black

Warren is the MMT campaign and Sanders is the dem socialist one (even though Sanders hired Kelton for 2016. She's no longer advising Sanders).

If neoliberals want to define as “socialism” an effective government that produces markets in which honest people prosper and we imprison or at least drive from the markets the elite cheaters, then we are all socialists. An economic system without an effective rule of law and with massive negative externalities such as global climate change is a suicidal kleptocracy. If neoliberals want to define that as “capitalism,” they should get used to the public rejecting it as an ideology that is as economically illiterate as it is inhumane and unethical. Kleptocracy and plutocracy invariably corrupt and ruin democracy. The truth is that honest markets and governments are complements and that the most effective economies are ‘mixed-economies.’ Using ‘socialism’ or ‘capitalism’ as swear words is a pointless waste.

MMT doesn't sound like socialism to me.
We did not design this branch of our work, which began in 1984, to help any candidate. It is remarkable that Warren has not yet used this strand of MMT research to bolster her central policy positions.
Warren says she's a capitalist and believes in capitalism. She started as a Republican but her program (wealth tax, break up tech giants, housing, childcare, M4A, Green New Deal (vague)) is better than what we saw from Obama or Clinton.

She gave a bad answer on abolishing billionaires.

How is MMT on unions and the labor movement?

Monday, March 11, 2019

MMT & foreign exchange markets

(more random thoughts sorry)

which reminds me of Mosler’s earlier comment above on ISLM – i.e. that it applies to a fixed exchange rate model)

Fixed exchange rate means what? Central bank will buy and sell to maintain rate of exchange.

Sterilize important concept. Central bank would "sterilize" gold inflows to maintain value of money relative to gold. 

Bond vigilantes. Chinese selling Treasury bonds which they bought to maintain exchange rates. Krugman and Baker regularly point out if they sell, makes currency cheaper, exports more competitive. Increases jobs and income and demand. Greece couldn't adjust b/c of euro.