Saturday, September 25, 2004

"Let's Go Sexin!"

John Waters's A Dirty Shame is much better than many critics are saying. Tracey Ulman, Johnny Knoxville, Selma Blair and Chris Isaac are all hilarious. "Carnivalesque" is the best term to descibe it. The film's subversiveness is debatable given how sex and combating the "squares" are now common in the Entertainment Trust's products and regularly mined for profits. Yet there really is a constant struggle between the libertines and the humorless/joyless, between those who want to spread the joy and those who want everyone around them to be miserable, because misery loves company.

Shaun of the Dead looks good too. One of the characters has a line "As Bertrand Russel said, humanity's survival depends upon cooperation." Or something like that.

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