Thursday, January 19, 2012

You may remember Mark Walhberg's character in The Other Guys not knowing what the Federal Reserve is or does. In Contraband, an allegory of our current economic malaise, his character floods the economy with money and does the Fed's job, albeit with counterfeit money. His friend's construction company is on the dumps so the friend cons Wahlberg's character into doing a smuggling run. The counterfeiter is played by Diego Luna, a name Will Ferrel (who costarred in The Other Guys) repeated often in his Bush play.


Good season opener of Justified with Raylan Givens outsmarting and beating a stone cold-Anton Chigurh*-type killer on the quick-draw.

New Girl had Lizzy Caplan who was awesome in True Blood and Party Down among other things.

* From No Country For Old Men

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