Monday, March 18, 2013

Echoes of 1933: the Cyprus Heist by David Beckworth

The Cypriot Haircut by Krugman
You can sort of see why they’re doing this: Cyprus is a money haven, especially for the assets of Russian beeznessmen; this means that it has a hugely oversized banking sector (think Iceland) and that a haircut-free bailout would be seen as a bailout, not just of Cyprus, but of Russians of, let’s say, uncertain probity and moral character. (I think it’s interesting thatMohamed El-Erian manages to write about this thing, fairly reasonably, without so much as mentioning the Russian thing.) 
The big problem, however, is that it’s not just large foreign deposits that are taking a haircut; the haircut on small domestic deposits is a bit smaller, but still substantial. It’s as if the Europeans are holding up a neon sign, written in Greek and Italian, saying “time to stage a run on your banks!”
Why some people are concerned. What is Krugman implying about El-Erian?

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