Tuesday, May 28, 2013

35 percent

No Villagers, this is not a center-right country by digby
CNN with the latest polling on Obamacare: 
Fifty-four percent of Americans oppose President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement, according to a CNN poll released Monday, while 43 percent support the law. 
But, for once they asked the most relevant follow-up question: 
Thirty-five percent of the country opposes the law because it’s too liberal, while 16 percent argues it isn’t liberal enough. 
That's right. It is not a majority position against a national health care plan or "big gummint" or any other of the typical beltway signifiers of a "center right nation." It turns out that only 35% of the country has that attitude. The majority either support the plan or want more. I doubt that most people every understand that from the way the polls are presented.
(via Thoma)

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