Saturday, September 28, 2013

Breaking Bad

Front page NYTimes story on how Netflix and word of mouth helped Breaking Bad.

Race to End for ‘Breaking Bad’ Fans Who Got Behind

Whatever happens, there will be no real justice by Yglesias
With Breaking Bad, on the other hand, I’m endlessly curious about what we haven’t seen and don’t yet know. There’s just no way the final episode can pack in everything I would conceivably want to see—a full backstory on Gray Matter, the internal politics of the Nazi gang, more insight into Lydia and Todd, Saul in Nebraska, Skyler under an entirely new sort of pressure.

And the one thing we’d really all like to see—justice—is something that’s probably impossible at this point.
At least we'll get a prequel with Saul.

In one of Aaron Paul's favorite episodes, "Problem Dog," Jesse talks about there being no justice in the universe at an AA meeting. Not that long ago, he had shot the meth cook Gale in order to save Mr. White and himself. He didn't have to shoot him. He could have ran.

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