Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Person of Interest

AV Club reviews Person Of Interest: "A House Divided"
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind."

And the computer in Mad Men.

Humanity is obsolete, vestigal in the mind of a certain type of AI. I think Root, Finch and the Machine are humanity's humanism and ethical reason, whereas Samaritan and Greer are (symbolize?) humanity (and capital's) technological/utilitarian/"instrumental" reason. Money is free speech. Corporations are people. National security trumps civil liberties and privacy concerns. But the system can "evolve" or devolve beyond what was intended. Power corrupts and democracy is subverted. People are "safer" from terrorist threats but they've lost their rights and say in how their government is run. Taxation without representation.

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