Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Game of Thrones: Shireen

I copied out the wiki entry on Stannis the other day.
Stannis orders Justin Massey to go with Tycho Nestoris to Braavos, where Justin will use the money given to him by the Iron Bank of Braavos to hire sellsword companies till he has a force no less than twenty thousand strong and then sail back to Westeros. Stannis also gives orders that if he is slain in the coming battle, Justin is still to do as instructed, with the intention of using the army to place his daughter, Shireen Baratheon, on the Iron Throne.
If Stannis die, and I hope he doesn't, Shireen could be the Third Dragon, ahead of an army twenty thousand strong. Maybe she'll marry Rickon and clean the North of the Boltons and Freys.

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