Monday, August 23, 2010

Lovers in Japan (Osaka version)

Krugman on the ratings agencies.
One thing you sometimes hear is that the game will be up when the ratings agencies downgrade U.S. debt. I wonder how many of the people saying this know that Moody’s and S&P downgraded Japanese debt in 2002, with Moody’s actually putting it below Botswana and Estonia.
And 8 years later, Japan can still borrow at less than 1 percent.
And didn't those same ratings agencies bestow crappy mortgage-backed securities with AAA ratings?

Yglesias discusses how appropriate government policies can work and did work in Japan in the face of a liquidity trap.

No, We're Not Turning Into Japan by James Ledbetter

Pressed to Act, Bank of Japan Sees Few Ways to Lift Demand by Hiroko Tabuchi

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