Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back on Monday I linked to a blog post by Yglesias on the film Ides of March and George Clooney's character Mike Morris. Now I've seen the movie - and liked it by the way - so I can comment.

Yglesias agrees with Dana Goldstein who blogged "There’s no reason, as the movie seems to suggest in its final scene, to feel that voting or working for him would be futile, or that either act lacks basic integrity."

I often agree with them, but in this instance I think Morris (and Clinton and Edwards) showed bad judgement because no matter the morality of the act of infidelity, it wouldn't play well with the public and hurt their cause. It demonstrated bad judgement. Interestingly candidate Morris has a sound bite about having our "heads in the sand" regarding oil and Iraq. That's the title of Yglesias's book. Maybe the screenwriter borrowed it or it was in the original play.

Anyway it was a thought-provoking movie with great acting and I highly recommend it.

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