Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wow Jon Stewart sort of admitted he was ignorant about economics and his show wasn't meant to be informative, in regards to Krugman's pushback on the trillion dollar coin, but he did he repeat that the coin was a stupid idea. And he said he was a fan of Krugman.

Part of the point of the coin was that it was ridiculous,* as Krugman has written. So maybe Krugman's criticism wasn't well put but I still see Stewart as in the wrong. He can't have it both ways and yet you don't him to be dogmatic and always pushing the party line. Weird episode.

Krugman will have the last laugh if neither Obama or the Republicans back down and the government defaults, then the coin won't look so fucking stupid. Maybe this is what Klein and Yglesias are worried about.**

*intended to counter/comment on the debt ceiling clown show.
**Yeah the more I think about the more I've come to the conclusion that they're worried Obama will box himself into a corner over not negotiating, the Republicans won't. We'll get default and disaster which is what Klein and Yglesias are worried about, they're not concerned Obama won't negotiate a good deal. Maybe I've been blaise like Stewart.

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