Friday, July 26, 2013

Obama's economic history

Andy Harless comments on DeLong's blogpost
You can call it neo-Austrian if you want, but I think the "bubble level of aggregate demand was unsustainable" view is quite consistent with standard Keynesian (actually neo-Wicksellian) macro theory. The Fed is and was targeting the inflation rate at 2%. Given the existence of a risk premium, it's quite possible (and, in my opinion, was the case in 2005) that the natural risk-free real interest rate is less than -2%. If that's the case, there is no full employment equilibrium that is consistent with the Fed's target. The only way to hit the inflation target while maintaining full employment is by creating a disequilibrium, which is by its nature unsustainable. In particular, in this case, the Fed did it by allowing people to be convinced that certain unsafe assets were in fact safe and thus, in effect, temporarily reducing the risk premium and allowing a positive nominal risk-free interest rate to support full employment.

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