Friday, November 01, 2013

individual health care market

JS: I am not terribly different than some other writers who have been in the individual market: Noted

JS: I am not terribly different than some other writers who have been in the individual market....
We have BCBS covering a family of four.... BCBS of Illinois informed us that our policy would no longer be valid after January 1, 2014. They also informed us that they would role us automatically into a slightly more expensive (and largely comparable) plan if we did nothing. Here is where it gets a bit more interesting. The "cancellation letter" directed us to the BCBS website, where we could shop through various other options.... And, since getting the letter, we have gotten follow-up emails and telephone calls from BCBS encouraging us to compare our options at the BCBS website. It has become quite clear over the past couple of weeks that BCBS does not want us shopping on the Illinois Exchange....
We have suddenly become much more attractive and important to BCBS than we were. Getting through underwriting a few years ago was ridiculously difficult. Now we are being marketed heavily and encouraged... [to] shop exclusively at BCBS. Count me among those who think the ACA will ultimately work to the net benefit of the vast majority of people in the individual market--myself included.

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