Saturday, November 14, 2009

Change We Can Believe In

New York Times Editorial:
On Friday, Attorney General Holder announced that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, and four others accused in the plot will be tried in a fashion that will not further erode American justice or shame Americans. It promises to finally provide justice for the victims of 9/11.Mr. Holder said those prisoners would be prosecuted in federal court in Manhattan.
Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. took a bold and principled step on Friday toward repairing the damage wrought by former President George W. Bush with his decision to discard the nation’s well-established systems of civilian and military justice in the treatment of detainees captured in antiterrorist operations.
From that entirely unnecessary policy (the United States had the tools to detain, charge and bring terrorists to justice) flowed a terrible legacy of torture and open-ended incarceration. It left President Obama with yet another mess to clean up on an urgent basis.
Matt Yglesias uses the occasion to take a jab at loco Senator Joseph Lieberman. The first thing that came to mind for me is that ultra-leftists who have been saying that there is no difference between Bush and Obama are full of it, something I've been saying all year.

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